Standards compliance
- All pages comply with Priority Level AA guidelines of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG).
- All pages are built with valid html5 doctype and CSS.
Some links will have TITLE attributes which describe the destination of the link in greater detail. Title attributes will not be included if the link already fully describes where the link goes to; for example, the headline of a news story. Wherever possible links will be written to make sense out of context, so that visitors do not have to read the surrounding text to understand where the link will take them.
All graphics and images on the website will have an alternative text (ALT) attribute that describes the contents or function of the image. This description will be displayed when images are turned off, on a text-only browser or as a 'tool tip' in certain browsers when the mouse pointer is moved over the image.
Visual design
The website will use cascading style sheets for visual layout. This means that when a visitors browser or browsing device does not support stylesheets at all, the content of each page is still readable (This can be particularly helpful for third-party screen readers and talking browsers). All font sizes will be set in relative units which will happily accommodate browser text resizing. All content has been written to be clear and concise whilst being useful and interesting.
Useful tips
A number of features on this website will make it easier for visitors to find what they want:
- Clicking on the Horder Healthcare logo at the top left of any page will take the you to the homepage.
- A 'breadcrumb trail' above the page title displays where visitors are in the site.
- A search box is available at the top of the page to allow visitors to find what they are looking for.
- Access keys are not implemented due to conflict issues with some assistive technologies.
Help with PDF Files
The PDF file format is a common internet file format (PDF stands for Portable Document Format). It's used for electronic distribution because it preserves the look and feel of the original document complete with fonts, colours, images, and layout. It also can be used across many different types of computers and browsers.
Opening PDF files
To open a PDF file you have to download a program called Acrobat Reader and install it onto your computer. The program is available free of charge from the Adobe Acrobat website.
PDF files and browsers
You can configure your web browser to open PDF files either within the browser window or in a separate Acrobat window. Detailed instructions are available on the Adobe Acrobat website.