Our fundraising focus for 2019 is our pain management pathway, particularly for knee replacement patients. Although the procedure is effectively managed with medication, patients are often surprised that they still experience a certain degree of pain immediately after the operation.

In November 2018 we held a patient forum for patients who had had knee replacement surgery at The Horder Centre, to discuss how we could improve patient experience and the management of knee pain. They were introduced to a number of alternative methods of pain relief including cold compression therapy, lymphatic massage, Video 3D experiences and mindfulness all of which could possibly be introduced alongside medication. This event highlighted the need for more education around pain expectation pre-surgery so patients can be better mentally prepared.

We are looking forward to announcing the details of our new fundraising initiative in early 2019 and will be investigating how our findings can be adapted for procedures at The McIndoe Centre.

Pain is a very subjective concept

“Pain is a very subjective concept and it is an experience that is individually perceived. The main attributes to assist with controlling postoperative pain, I believe, is a partnership approach with our patients and we believe in utilising many approaches in trying to achieve this.

These approaches may well include medication given via spinal and nerve blocks and pre-emptive pain relief. Other ways of assisting with pain control will include the use of cold and sometimes heat therapy, as well as exercise regimes to assist with the breakdown of scar tissue as well as releasing natural endorphins. Mindful and relaxation techniques and music therapy also aid to assist with the bodies healing processes. Above all, it is working closely with our patients to ensure there is an understanding of their individual expectations and agreed methods in the controlling of their post operative pain".

Chris Howis, Clinical Nurse Specialist at The Horder Centre

2019 Appeal

Our fundraising focus for 2019 is exploring alternative methods of pain management.

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