Horder Healthcare declaration for hospital services provided for consultants and private patients.

In October 2014, the Competition and Markets Authority (the ‘CMA’) published the Private Healthcare Market Investigation Order 2014 (the ‘Order’) following its investigation into the private healthcare industry.

The Order imposed requirements on private hospital operators to disclose certain information in relation to referring clinicians (as defined by the Order) for the benefit of patients. Full details about the investigation and the Order can be found on the CMA web page.

In accordance with the CMA requirements, the details of services offered by the hospital to our consultants on a non-discriminatory basis are detailed below.

Consulting rooms are provided to clinicians who hold practising privileges at Horder Healthcare at a rate of £5 per patient. This is reflective of consultant room accommodation at fair market rates.

Medical secretarial services are provided to our consultants at a rate of £22.60 per hour. This is reflective of the market rate for delivering this type of service.

Low-value services provided by Horder Healthcare to our consultants include;

  • Free parking
  • Low-cost events/hospitality
  • General hospital marketing activity
  • General services provided to ensure clinical safety
  • Operational services such as patient bookings and admission, administrative services and billing
  • Patient notes archiving
  • Stationery, printing and postage facilities
  • Free meals whilst on duty, tea, coffee and other soft beverages

Further details and outcome statistics for this hospital in relation to private healthcare can be viewed on the Private Healthcare Information Network website.

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