This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 (Transparency in Supply Chains) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the ‘Act’) and sets out steps we are taking to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chain or elsewhere in our organisation.
Our organisation and structure
Horder Healthcare is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee providing health and wellbeing services to individuals in England. Driven by our charitable purpose to advance health, and the relief of patients suffering from ill health, we have been providing services to our population since 1958.
In 2023 we had an annual turnover in excess of £38m. Our head office and registered office is located at the Horder Centre, St. Johns Road, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 1XP.
Policies and commitments: our approach
The health and well-being of people is central to Horder Healthcare’s activities. A day-to-day life and working environment in which individual fundamental human rights and freedoms are respected is central to this.
In accordance with our values and our overarching commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our relationships, the prevention, detection and reporting of modern slavery and human trafficking is the responsibility of all those working for Horder Healthcare.
We embrace a diverse and safe workplace environment in which equal opportunity and fairness are paramount. One important aspect of this is supporting and complying with the provisions of the Act and our organisational policies incorporate relevant compliance obligations. We also support an open and transparent culture that encourages employees and others to raise concerns about anything that is unlawful or amounts to improper conduct. We also seek to ensure matters can be raised in confidence without fear of reprisals.
Our supply chain
Our supply chain includes clinical supplies, marketing, IT, utilities, pharmaceuticals, support services and professional services.
We procure our goods and services from a rigorously selected group of predominantly domestic suppliers. We do not simply buy goods or services solely on the basis of cost. We recognize that some of our supply sectors are potentially at higher risk and some services may involve relatively high levels of contracted labour (for example textiles relating to the clothing and uniform of certain staff).
We proactively engage with our suppliers and perform enhanced due diligence checks on those deemed at higher risk. These checks include reviewing the supplier's policies and procedures, requesting audit reports and third-party assessments, and conducting site visits.
Based on our supply chain due diligence and review during the course of 2023 financial year ending 30th June 2023, we are satisfied that our key suppliers do not present a high risk of non-compliance.
Embedding the Principles of the Act
Horder Healthcare is committed to
- Ensuring that slavery and human trafficking is considered and addressed in our approach to corporate social responsibility
- Ensuring that any concerns about slavery or human trafficking can be raised through our whistleblowing procedure
- Carrying out regular audits to ensure that all our employees are paid at least the National Minimum Wage and have the right to work in the UK
- Ensuring that all commercial agreements include an obligation on our suppliers to operate in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, and to ensure that any of their suppliers and sub-contractors also operate in accordance with the Act
- Identifying and addressing any areas of high risk in our supply chain
- Providing training for all employees who are involved in the supply chain on issues relating to slavery and human trafficking.
This year it will introduce the following activities:
- A modern slavery module will be added to all staff training on or before 01/11/2023. This comprises of a 15-minute training module with compulsory knowledge quiz at the end. The renewal accreditation attached to this will be 3 years.
- A specific procurement training course for relevant staff will take place in November 2023, which addresses Modern Slavery within procurement, supply chains and external contractors. This is provided by the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supplies.
- In addition to upskilling our procurement teams some additional resources from regulatory bodies surrounding modern slavery will be introduced to enhance the team’s knowledge and understanding.
Dr Richard Tyler,
Chief Executive
Page last updated on 18th December 2023
What makes Horder Healthcare unique
Horder Healthcare is committed to providing the very best quality of care for our patients and customers. We are continuously working on improving and reducing risks and this is reflected in our consistently high CQC results, patient satisfaction questionnaires and minimal levels of infection.
We are rated as a 5* healthcare provider
Read our latest patient reviews on the NHS Choices website